
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Meet Carly Eisley

Welcome to the Team!

Carly Eisley

We are thrilled to have first time team member Carly with us. She hails from North Stonington, CT and is turning 40 this year! Running her first 100 at Vermont is an awesome start to her 40's. We can't wait to see you rock the course!
Let's take a peek into Carly's life and learn a bit more about her!

What is your connection to Vermont Adaptive? Is this your first 100?

I have participated in the Vermont 50 for the past 12 years, and became very familiar with Vermont Adaptive through that event. It is an amazing cause!! I enjoy fundraising and had my sights set on the Vermont 100 this year (turning 40!), so joining the fundraising team was a no-brainer.

Yes, my first year on the team, and my first 100!!!

What is your earliest running memory?

My earliest running memory is participating in an elementary "fun run" program. I was probably around 9? I have no clue how long the course was... probably not more than a mile, and I remember constantly stopping and walking every time I got tired, until a friend turned to me and told me that I didn't have to stop, I could just keep going. Apparently I took that to heart, because here I am, many ultras later :)

Enough about running...tell us about you. What do you do? What is your family like? Any kids, pets, unique hobbies?

I'm married to my amazing husband who is a cyclist. We have two rescue mutts who are quite the characters. I LOVE to travel, especially camping and hiking road trips - usually by campervan. My day job is a Nurse Practitioner in an emergency department.... never a dull moment!

If you could pick a Hollywood actor to play you in a movie? Who would it be and why?

Ummmmmmm..... I don't know! I'd love to pick someone like Charlize Theron or Reese Witherspoon, but in reality it should probably be someone like Animal from the Muppets.

What are your goals for the Vermont 100?

Keep moving, don't overheat, stay smiling, and FINISH.

Thanks Carly for sharing a bit about yourself with us! Wishing you the best journey to your VT100 finish. Thank you for all your hard work fundraising for Vermont Adaptive!! Animal from the muppets, love it!!!

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